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Indoor Commercial Playground Guidance Template from Toronto City

Indoor playgrounds are still closed across the globe due to the ongoing pandemic and its mutation with a new strain that is more infectious. Fortunately, there is no studies yet that detailed whether this mutation is deadlier. But for areas such as Australia and Toronto, commercially-operated playgrounds have started to operate again, albeit with, strict […]


Simple Playground Rules and Courtesies for Everyone

Playgrounds are still a part of the new normal but for every trip outdoors, we must exercise precaution in order to be safe from the infectious COVID-19 pandemic. If your playground operator or the playground community manager have yet to issue guidelines, we’re listing the quick playground tips for all to follow. This is to […]


Playground Rules and Regulations Guide from the United Kingdom

Last year, both commercial and public playgrounds were mainly closed during the long months as local lockdowns were implemented. It was not until late in 2020 that playgrounds were allowed to reopen albeit with restrictions that focuses on the courtesy of social distancing and personal hygiene checks. If you are a playground operator or a […]


Things to Think About in 2021 for Commercial Playground Operators

With 2021 being just around the corner, commercial playground operators and community playground managers are most likely thinking of what’s ahead. Things such as business, health and safety are the major concerns for most, and that includes the playground industry. 2020 was a challenging year for the playground industry due to the pandemic and early […]


Commercial Playground Trends in 2021

2021 will be arriving in a number of days and despite the tough year that playground operators and commercial playgrounds have faced this year, there is optimism that things will gradually return to normal and cities with their improved health and safety protocols will make their areas safer for all. For the commercial playground industry, […]

soft play soft bars

Maintenance of Playground Equipment After Flooding

Floods are considered as natural disasters and it can happen to areas that are not even prone to flooding, as per the area’s local history. Flooding are often a huge setback for businesses and the damage alone could deter businesses from opening quickly and recouping their losses. If you are in the commercial playground equipment […]


Playground Management: Your Inventory Essentials in Keeping a Clean and Sanitized Playgrounds

  For the many playground operators and community playground managers that are planning for a reopening in the near future, the cleanliness and sanitation standards of their playgrounds will be an important area of discussion. Parents and our community will ask and have the right to know on how we are managing the playgrounds in […]


Playgrounds as Healing Therapy for Children

  Children who have recovered from ailment or medical procedure are all in need of special attention as they progress from the tender stage of recovery to the re-strengthening process. During this period, the child’s physical, emotional and mental state are also in need of healing. In each careful step of re-introducing them to the […]


San Francisco Playground Rules and Restriction to Think About and Use For Policy Making

Last month, California has allowed the reopening of the public playgrounds across its counties, cities and small towns albeit, with restrictions for public health and safety. San Francisco, has also allowed the reopening of public playground and the city has also imposed restrictions as guidelines to the families who are looking to spend time on […]


Children’s Playground Design: How it Affects Engagement and Activity

Playgrounds are structures that are designed to capture the attention of children and that structure must also have the necessary features to turn attention into activity to support the physical activity known as playground time. In a story published by Science News about the correlation of design and physical engagement of playgrounds when it comes […]