playground  in city street, nobody

COVID-19 Disease Response by Playground Safety Org

If you are a community manager for a playground or a commercial playground operator that is maintaining the balance of operating despite the pandemic, health and safety is the prime focus in keeping children, their families and the community safe as they interact with the playground. PlaygroundSafety.Org offers a comprehensive guide on playground and safety. […]


CDC Guide for Managing Parks and Recreational Facilities During the Pandemic

The global pandemic brought upon by COVID-19 have radically change our lifestyle and how we interact with our surroundings. Commercial and Recreational areas are no longer crowded nor buzzing with activity as there were periodic lockdowns and stay at home orders. We see rules and protocols on social distancing and limiting on-premise capacity in order […]


How to Start Crowdfunding for Your Community Playgrounds

Playgrounds are more than just a place for enjoyment. Their impact to the community is immense as it is a place where childhood dreams and the fondest of the earliest memories are nurtured. If a community does not have a playground or if the playground is deteriorating, chances are, you’ll see less kids being active […]


Why We Need More Inclusive Playgrounds in Our Communities

Inclusive playgrounds are becoming in common in the west. Territories such as the United States, Canada, Western and Eastern Europe have seen their fair share of inclusive playgrounds being put up by countries, regions, shires and cities. In Asia, the earliest pioneer would be Singapore where its cities have begun introducing inclusive playgrounds to the […]

Play Planet PH NCC Mall Tagum

Indoor Commercial Playground Guidance Template from Toronto City

Indoor playgrounds are still closed across the globe due to the ongoing pandemic and its mutation with a new strain that is more infectious. Fortunately, there is no studies yet that detailed whether this mutation is deadlier. But for areas such as Australia and Toronto, commercially-operated playgrounds have started to operate again, albeit with, strict […]


Simple Playground Rules and Courtesies for Everyone

Playgrounds are still a part of the new normal but for every trip outdoors, we must exercise precaution in order to be safe from the infectious COVID-19 pandemic. If your playground operator or the playground community manager have yet to issue guidelines, we’re listing the quick playground tips for all to follow. This is to […]


Playground Rules and Regulations Guide from the United Kingdom

Last year, both commercial and public playgrounds were mainly closed during the long months as local lockdowns were implemented. It was not until late in 2020 that playgrounds were allowed to reopen albeit with restrictions that focuses on the courtesy of social distancing and personal hygiene checks. If you are a playground operator or a […]


New Considerations in Planning Commercial Playgrounds for 2021

The pandemic has greatly affected both community and commercial indoor playgrounds. This year, playgrounds have remained closed for most of the months due to mandated lockdowns and commercial restrictions put in place. As we are in the middle of November and both public and commercial spaces have since open up to welcome families, new health […]